Episode 10 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 010: Homer’s Gods. See what you remember the middle part of Homer’s Iliad clicking “START” below!

1 / 15

In Book 14 of the Iliad, in order to distract Zeus from assisting the Trojan forces, Hera distracts Zeus with what so that she can get back to helping the Greeks?

2 / 15

This powerful Trojan warrior smashes through the Greek ramparts with a boulder in Book 12 of the Iliad.

3 / 15

In this program we talked about Ovid’s tale of ________ in order to segue into the subject of Homer’s gods.

4 / 15

We noted in this episode that an Ancient Greek audience, when compared to a modern Anglophone audience, was less interested in:

5 / 15

In Greek mythology, the Trojan War is caused by:

6 / 15

What is the immediate outcome of the Embassy to Achilles in Book 9 of the Iliad – that scene in which Odysseus and Ajax go and plead with Achilles on behalf of King Agamemnon?

7 / 15

Book 16 – the last one we covered in this episode – ends with the pivotal death of a fairly minor character whose demise will nonetheless dramatically impact the course of the war. Who is this character?

8 / 15

This deity offers the battered Greek armies aid while Zeus is distracted.

9 / 15

Priam’s daughter-in-law.

10 / 15

This elderly Greek character, often the voice of wisdom in the Greek camp, recollects youthful battles and suggests that Patroclus dress up as Achilles.

11 / 15

These two Greek characters go on a night raid in Book 10 of the Iliad.

12 / 15

This pre-Socratic Greek philosopher, considering Homer’s pantheon of deities, writes that horses would make horse gods and Thracians would make gods with red hair (in other words, that people create gods in their own image).

13 / 15

Though he doesn’t receive divine aid, like so many other characters, this warrior fights Hector to a draw and is generally an anchor of the Greek defense.

14 / 15

Homer’s similes, even when they occur in the middle of a narrative about a battle, often give us a glimpse of a peacetime world. We looked at one of these in Book 15, which compared the Trojan champion Hector to a(n)

15 / 15

Plato’s program of censorship of the Iliad, as outlined in Book 3 of the Republic, basically does what?

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