Episode 13 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 13: His Mind Teeming. Test your knowledge of the central and most famous part of Homer’s Odyssey by clicking “START!”

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The witch Circe:

2 / 15

Odysseus talks with a famous blind seer in Hades. What is this seer’s name?

3 / 15

Odysseus momentously pauses his story to the Phaecians when:

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Odysseus makes a big mistake by telling this character his real name.

5 / 15

The bag of Aeolus contains:

6 / 15

The loyal swineherd, or pig herder, who helps the disguised Odysseus when Odysseus returns to Ithaca, is called:

7 / 15

As Book 9 of the Odyssey opens, Odysseus’ son Telemachus has been down in the Peloponnese, where he has visited Nestor, King of Pylos, and then __________, King of Sparta.

8 / 15

In their song, the Sirens promise Odysseus

9 / 15

Much of the central part of the Odyssey is a flashback first person narrative, told by Odysseus himself. Where does he tell this story, and to whom?

10 / 15

The ghost of this character famously tells Odysseus, “I’d rather be a hired hand back up on earth, / Slaving away for some poor dirt farmer, / Than lord it over all these withered dead.”

11 / 15

In Book 12 of the Odyssey, Odysseus has to pass through a narrow waterway. On one side of this waterway is a giant whirlpool called Charybdis. On the other is:

12 / 15

Homer, idiosyncratically, addresses this character directly in the narrative.

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When Athena reveals her identity to Odysseus on Ithaca, she

14 / 15

When Odysseus finally gets back to Ithaca, this character finds him and fills him in on what’s been happening on the island.

15 / 15

The Laestrygonians are:

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