Episode 17 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 17: Roots of the Pentateuch. See what you recall about the narrative portion of the Old Testament’s first five books by clicking START below!

1 / 20

Deuteronomy is essentially:

2 / 20

A generation of Israelites who wrote and edited the Pentateuch lived in which major Mesopotamian city from 586-539 BCE?

3 / 20

The third son of Adam and Eve, and great great great great great great great grandfather of Noah, is called:

4 / 20

Abraham has a son called Isaac. Isaac has a son called Jacob. Jacob’s name is later changed to:

5 / 20

Exodus and Numbers are filled with intercession stories. What is the structure of an intercession story?

6 / 20

Abraham, son of Terah, the patriarch of the Israelites, was born in:

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Offers the Old Testament god fruits and vegetables in Genesis, Chapter 4.

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Moab and Ammon’s founders get origin stories in the Book of Genesis. They are the sons of:

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When Moses comes down from Sinai in Exodus, feeling rather pious and having heard God’s instructions on how to build the tabernacle, he’s rather disappointed to see that the Israelites have:

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Which of the following is NOT a name used for the Old Testament god in the Bible?

11 / 20

About how many Israelites migrate northward out of Egypt and into Canaan, according to the Pentateuch?

12 / 20

Noah’s son Ham and Ham’s children are cursed to be the slaves of Ham’s brothers. Why does this happen?

13 / 20

The Old Testament God promises this character sovereignty over Canaan.

14 / 20

This son of Israel ends up in Egypt, interpreting the dreams of the Pharaoh and proving very economically shrewd.

15 / 20

Jacob’s hairy brother.

16 / 20

Abraham’s wife, __________, as well as Jacob’s wife, __________, are both barren, although they both end up having children.

17 / 20

The Old Testament God appears to this fugitive character in a burning bush in the land of Midian while the character is tending to his flocks.

18 / 20

Repeatedly resolves, “I will harden the Pharaoh’s heart.”

19 / 20

Which of these sequences of major Biblical patriarchs is in the correct order?

20 / 20

This Mesopotamian conqueror, who lived around 2,300 BCE, is said to have drifted downriver in a reed basket as a baby before being discovered and raised.

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