Episode 30 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 30: Two Legs in the Afternoon. See what you remember about Oedipus the King and the beginning of the Peloponnesian War by clicking “START” below!
1 / 10
This character has had metal spikes driven through his/her ankles.
2 / 10
Oedipus accuses this character of treason.
3 / 10
Oedipus the King was staged during the opening years of the Peloponnesian War. When did the Peloponnesian War take place?
4 / 10
After being cast out as a baby by his parents due to a prophecy, Oedipus spent his boyhood and early adulthood raised by the King and Queen of:
5 / 10
Oedipus’ brother-in-law is called:
6 / 10
This character prophesies that, “The killer of Laius – that man is here; / Passing for an alien, a sojourner here among us.”
7 / 10
The play opens with a plague having struck the city of Thebes. Creon proposes that the plague might be lifted if this character’s killer is brought to justice.
8 / 10
This structure was built between 447 and 432 at the height of Athens’ democratic golden age.
9 / 10
Pericles’ strategy at the beginning of the Peloponnesian War was:
10 / 10
Thucydides writes about which historical event that struck Athens in 430 BCE?
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