Episode 33 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 33: Woman the Barbarian. See what you can recall about Euripides’ Medea and its historical background by clicking “START” below!

1 / 10

Medea begs King Creon for:

2 / 10

With what significant detail in Euripides’ Medea does the playwright depart from the traditional story?

3 / 10

Medea kills the king and princess of Corinth with:

4 / 10

This character tells Medea, “You could have stayed in Corinth, still lived in this house, / If you had quietly accepted the decisions / Of those in power.”

5 / 10

In which ancient kingdom did Medea live before meeting Jason?

6 / 10

Medea makes arrangements with a foreign king to seek asylum after her exile from Corinth. Who is this king?

7 / 10

In 451, the Athenian ruler Pericles passed a law stipulating that:

8 / 10

Medea, at the end of the play, escapes to:

9 / 10

Athenians strove for something they called sophrosyne. This word means:

10 / 10

Euripides was reputed to be:

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