Episode 37 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 37: The New Comedy. See what you can recall about Menander, ancient Greece’s New Comedy, and the world of the late 300s BCE clicking “START” below!

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Menander’s Old Cantankerous was staged about a century after Aristophanes’ career peaked. In which year was Old Cantankerous first staged?

2 / 10

Compared with the Old Comedy of Aristophanes, the New Comedy of Menander was:

3 / 10

Alexander of Macedon died in ________ BCE, leaving the Athens of Menander and the entire eastern Mediterranean and central Eurasia in a state of dreadful turmoil.

4 / 10

Old Cantankerous ends with:

5 / 10

The young man who is courting old Knemon’s beautiful daughter is named:

6 / 10

The Bodmer papyri, which contained nearly complete texts of Menander’s lost plays, were discovered in 1952 in the east central part of modern day:

7 / 10

Alexander of Macedon brought an end to:

8 / 10

Knemon’s former stepson is named:

9 / 10

Knemon’s daughter’s lover seeks to impress Knemon by:

10 / 10

A deity delivering an expository prologue was a standard feature of Menander’s plays. Who delivers the prologue to Old Cantankerous?

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