Episode 63 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 63: All Is in Flux. See what you remember about the extraordinary ending of the Metamorphoses by clicking “START” below!

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In one of the Italian myths in the Metamorphoses, a happy couple called Picus and Canens were driven apart by a jealous character. She loved Picus but he was uninterested, and so this character changed him into a woodpecker. Who was the jealous character?

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This satyr, a bit of a drunkard, is the godfather of Dionysus.

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This character, raped by Apollo, was changed from a woman into a man – a man who fought alongside Theseus and Pirithoüs when centaurs became violent at Pirithoüs’ wedding.

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Protagoras’ speech is a substantial part of the fifteenth book of the Metamorphoses. We encounter it in a framing narrative, in which an ancient Italian king had journeyed down to the city of Croton and met the philosopher there. What was the king’s name?

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In this Italian myth from the Metamorphoses, an orchard goddess, resistant to romantic advances, finally gives in when an Etruscan god disguised himself as an old woman and slowly won his way into her good graces. The male character was called Vertumnus. What was the female character’s name?

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This character is about to be executed on a sacrificial altar when the goddess Diana swapped her with a deer, saving her life.

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This Trojan princess faces death bravely, not even flinching as Achilles’ son drives his sword through her heart.

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In revenge for betraying her son, this character kills a Thracian king by jamming her fingers into his eye sockets.

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This character, who could change into any shape he wanted to, fought Hercules in a number of different forms, only to finally lose.

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After her husband dies in a shipwreck, this character, along with her husband Ceyx, transforms into a kingfisher.

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The cyclops Polyphemus is in love with a nymph. Her name is:

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This character’s mom tried to evade his dad’s advances by transforming into all sorts of things, including a tiger. Eventually, deciding that the man assaulting her was being helped by a god, she gave up.

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Ovid, unlike Virgil, tells us a bit more about the Cumaean Sibyl – that ancient seer who guides Aeneas through the underworld. According to Ovid, the Sibyl was granted an extremely long life by:

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This character, who proclaims that Pan is a better musician than Apollo, is given the ears of an ass as punishment, symbolizing his lack of auditory discernment.

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Two characters debate over who gets Achilles’ armor after he dies. Who (1) wins and (2) loses the debate?

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An early king of Troy, this character refused to pay his contractors for building the city’s famous wall. His contractors were Neptune and Apollo, in disguise, and they punished him.

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A pun Ovid makes on the Greek words for comet, aster kometes, or “hairy star,” is deployed to make fun of:

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The god of medicine and healing, introduced late in Book 15 of the Metamorphoses, is called:

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Early in the Trojan War, this nearly invincible character, a son of Neptune, proves a serious challenge for Achilles to defeat.

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This merman falls in love with Scylla, who is later transformed into a monster by Circe (who herself falls for the merman and is jealous of Scylla).

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