Episode 71 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 71: The Gods Depart. See what you remember about Books 7-12 of Statius’ Thebaid by clicking “START” below!
1 / 15
Toward the epic’s end, two tongues of flame licking upward, as though competing with one another, symbolize the unending rivalry between:
2 / 15
The son of the huntress Atalanta, this member of the Seven Against Thebes perishes in battle after making a deadly assault against Theban forces with his bow.
3 / 15
Just as Achilles does in Homer’s Iliad, this character in the Thebaid fights a river.
4 / 15
Says, “Now a pair / of criminals begins a duel that Earth / in all her miseries has never known. / Let it be distant from divinities.”
5 / 15
This character, never a very peaceable fellow, eats an enemy’s head in the last moments of his life.
6 / 15
The son of Creon, this character survives the war of Thebes and its aftermath in Statius’ epic, after which we presume he’ll marry Antigone.
7 / 15
In the closing lines of the Thebaid, Statius depicts himself as humble and modest alongside:
8 / 15
Statius himself appears as a character in:
9 / 15
This deity remonstrates with Jupiter and asks Jupiter to go easy on Thebes.
10 / 15
This colossal member of the Seven Against Thebes is struck down by Jupiter’s lightning.
11 / 15
This Athenian king intervenes at the war’s end when he hears that the Thebans are disallowing the burial of the Argive dead.
12 / 15
The first of the Seven Against Thebes to die, this character is swallowed up by a giant hole in the earth.
13 / 15
Prompted by the Theban prophet Tiresias, the son of Creon:
14 / 15
The ancient Greek word for “best” or “best scene,” in epic convention most often describing glory in battle, is:
15 / 15
Creon is Polynices and Eteocles’:
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