Episode 83 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 83: Gnosticism. See what you remember about Gnostic ideology and some of its subdivisions by clicking “START” below!
1 / 15
The Gnostic mother angel or aeon who creates Christ the son in the Secret Book of John is called:
2 / 15
Generally speaking, the gnosis of Gnosticism is:
3 / 15
In the Gnostic Second Discourse of the Great Seth, who speaks these words?: “Though they punished me, I did not die in actuality but only in appearance.”
4 / 15
In the dialogue Timaeus, Plato describes a creator, or craftsman figure who fashioned the material world – the demiurge. This demiurge, in all likelihood, has ties to which figure from Gnosticism?
5 / 15
Considering references from church fathers, some strands of Gnosticism appear to have emerged, very roughly speaking, by around:
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What is the pleroma in Gnosticism?
7 / 15
Sethian Gnostics revered:
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We looked at the following quote in this episode: “you will exceed all of [the other disciples]. For you will sacrifice the man who bears me.” Who is the “you” in question?
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At the moment of Adam’s creation in some surviving Gnostic texts, what happens?
10 / 15
In some Gnostic texts, Yaldabaoth hates Adam because:
11 / 15
Yaldabaoth’s mother in the Secret Book of John and other Gnostic texts is:
12 / 15
What does Jesus do at his crucifixion in several very unconventional Gnostic texts?
13 / 15
One strand of Gnosticism, sometimes called Thomas Christianity, was particularly interested in:
14 / 15
Rather than being a savior or divine sacrificial figure, in Gnostic texts, Jesus is more of a(n):
15 / 15
Gnostic Christology (or their view of the divine nature of Jesus) tends to:
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