Episode 84 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 84: Manichaeism. See what you remember the Manichaean religion and its ancient history by clicking “START” below!
1 / 15
Which of the following does NOT aptly describe the way Mani comes across in the scriptures alleged to have been written by him?
2 / 15
As a young man, Mani was a part of a sect called the Elcesaites, who were associated with:
3 / 15
Manichaeans believed the material world was created from:
4 / 15
Between 1902 and 1914, major discoveries of Manichaean texts took place in the northwestern part of modern day:
5 / 15
A common way Manichaeans described their religion’s cosmic history was that it was “of the two principles and the three ______.”
6 / 15
Mani lived from roughly:
7 / 15
In Manichaeism, Adam and Eve are the children of:
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Saint Augustine left Mahichaeism around the time of the Edict of Thessalonica, which took place in:
9 / 15
In what year did the ancient Parthian Empire end, and the Sasanian Empire begin?
10 / 15
Artabanus IV was:
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In addition to the multilingual manuscripts discovered at Turpan, archaeologists have also uncovered substantial bodies of Manichaean texts in:
12 / 15
Ardashir I, whom Mani knew and with whom he likely had a cordial professional relationship, was the first ___________ king.
13 / 15
Which best describes the dietary habits of the Manichaeans as far as we’ve been able to tell?
14 / 15
A major theological difference between Manichaeism and Gnosticism is that:
15 / 15
Mani was born during the midpoint of the ___________ dynasty of Rome.
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