Episode 92 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 92: Athanasius’ Life of Antony. See what you remember about Athanasius’ biography of Saint Antony, and more generally early Christian monasticism by clicking “START” below!

1 / 15

Athanasius was the bishop of:

2 / 15

In Jerome’s biography of Paul of Thebes, the old hermit Paul of Thebes meets:

3 / 15

The Greek word monachos comes from the word meaning “alone.” But there was a different descriptor for a different sort of monk – koinos bios, meaning “common life.” In addition to camping in hermitages in the remote desert, monks moved into communes, around 320, along the middle Nile. Their earliest organizer was called:

4 / 15

The earliest recoded Christian desert eremites staked out places to live at three remote sites dangling southward from the city of:

5 / 15

We studied four eremitic saint’s lives in this episode. Which timeframe encompasses the period in which all of them were written?

6 / 15

In addition to writing the Life of Antony and championing Nicene orthodoxy throughout his career, Athanasius is famous for something else. This something else is that 367, the bishop published a complete list of:

7 / 15

Arius taught that:

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In addition to Arianism, this issue was under discussion at Christianity’s first ecumenical council in 325.

9 / 15

Athanasius attended this all-important ecumenical council in 325, during the reign of the Emperor Constantine.

10 / 15

Athanasius records Saint Antony traveling up to Alexandria during the grim final epoch of the Diocletian persecution, in the year:

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In Saint Antony’s long sermon in the biography, the author Athanasius spends time trying to puzzle out the origins and meaning of which New Testament figure?

12 / 15

The earliest Christian desert hermit recorded as active during the second century was:

13 / 15

Athanasius’ character Antony speaks which language?

14 / 15

Which of the following is not standard to eremitic Saint’s lives?

15 / 15

Saint Antony, in Athanasius’ biography about him, leaves his prosperous aristocratic life behind for spiritual pursuits. In reality, what sorts of other factors would have motivated hardy Christians to set up enclaves in remote regions?

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