Episode 93 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 93: Severus’ Life of Saint Martin. See what you can remember about Saint Martin and the Priscillian Controversy by clicking “START” below!

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In iconography and more generally Catholic culture, the most famous anecdote about, and image of Saint Martin involves:

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The First Council of Nicaea, among other things, ultimately endorsed Trinitarian Christology over Arianism. When did this council take place?

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The real Saint Martin lived from roughly:

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Sulpicius Severus was:

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We get this modern English word due to a famous relic of Saint Martin’s being passed around during the Merovingian and Carolingian dynasties:

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Sulpicius Severus’ first dialogue expresses some reservations about:

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The maverick Christian theologian Priscillian, much to the disquiet of Sulpicius Severus, was executed six years after the Edict of Thessalonica, in the year:

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Saint Martin was likely born in the western part of modern day Hungary, and he spent most of his career in the west central part of modern day France. He grew up, however, in the northern part of modern day:

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The theologian Priscillian, hailing from modern day Spain, was at the core of a theological controversy between 370 and 386. Which of the following was he NOT associated with by early historians of fourth century Christianity?

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In the hagiography, in addition to being the consecrated bishop of Tours, we also learn that in his diocese Martin directed:

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During a prominent scene early in the hagiography, Saint Martin is in the military, and he refuses to accept a bonus from a future emperor. Which future emperor does Martin spurn?

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Toward the end of the episode, we considered a major difference between Athanasius’ eremitic Saint Antony on one hand, and Severus’ Saint Martin on the other. This difference was that unlike Saint Antony, Saint Martin was:

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The Edict of Thessalonica made Nicene Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. When was it passed?

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In Severus’ Life of Saint Martin, the titular saint offends the minor Roman Emperor Maximus in a key scene. How does Severus’ Martin offend the Emperor?

15 / 15

A fairly long stretch of the hagiography chronicles Martin interacting with local pagans around Tours. How does he interact with them?

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