Episode 102 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 102: An Old Man’s Book. See what you remember about the later books of Augustine’s City of God by clicking “START” below!

1 / 15

Augustine tells us that “I know from my own experiece a man who used to sweat whenever he chose,” in the context of a discussion of:

2 / 15

Which of these ideas, which Augustine supports in the City of God, has not persisted widely in Christian doctrine?

3 / 15

Augustine enthusiastically imagines human beings as having mechanical, joyless sex in a discussion of:

4 / 15

Which of the following does Augustine discuss in detail, in regards to heaven?

5 / 15

The latter books of Augustine’s City of God were written during which of the following periods?

6 / 15

Augustine tells a story about peacock meat in order to make a point about:

7 / 15

What is unique about Augustine’s theory of Original Sin is that:

8 / 15

What is Augustine’s main argument about Satan in the City of God?

9 / 15

In the Confessions and the City of God, this book of the Bible is of particular and sustained interest to Augustine:

10 / 15

Augustine differentiates Christianity from stoicism in Book 14 of the City of God. His main point of contrast is that unlike the stoics, Christians:

11 / 15

Pelagius, Augustine’s theological opponent, moreso than Augustine, emphasized the importance of:

12 / 15

Augustine’s own antisemitism is based on the notion that some of the Jewish citizens of Jeruslaem acted against Christ in the events of the Gospels, but also that:

13 / 15

Augustine believed that two races of humans – the saved and the doomed – began early on, with:

14 / 15

What happened to Pelagius?

15 / 15

Augustine mentions that “it is widely reported that [satyrs] and Pans. . .have often behaved improperly towards women, lusting after them and achieving intercourse with them” in the context of a discussion of:

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