Episode 55 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 55: Among the Shades. See what you remember about Books 4-6 of the Aeneid by clicking “START” below!

1 / 15

Who is Anna in the Aeneid?

2 / 15

In Sicily at the end of Book 5, due to divine prompting, the Trojan women:

3 / 15

As we discussed in the episode, readers of the early Augustan Age would have likely associated Dido with:

4 / 15

Which of the following is NOT an example of a “helpful princess” in ancient literature?

5 / 15

Who guides Aeneas through the underworld?

6 / 15

What does Dido say to Aeneas in the underworld?

7 / 15

A famous (and imaginary) scene, often depicted in European paintings, is of Virgil reading the Aeneid to Augustus and his family. What happens in this scene?

8 / 15

Which deities, for different reasons, engineer the marriage between Aeneas and Dido in Book 4?

9 / 15

Virgil gives a series of shout outs to famous Roman dynasties in:

10 / 15

What role does Rhadamanthus play in Virgil’s underworld?

11 / 15

Aeneas and Dido are married:

12 / 15

Which ideology or doctrine does Anchises’ long speech to Aeneas in the underworld in Book 6 NOT allude to or endorse?

13 / 15

Who says the following?: “If that wicked being must sail surely to land and come to harbour, because such is the fixed and destined ending required by Jupiter’s own ordinances, yet let him afterwards suffer affliction in war.”

14 / 15

What talisman does Aeneas need in order to get out of the underworld?

15 / 15

Virgil locates the entrance to the underworld at Lake Avernus, a spot about ten miles west of the city of:

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