Literature and History Listener Survey

This is your chance to weigh in, critique, and tell me stuff you think I should probably know about in a completely anonymous fashion. I want the show to be entertaining and fun to listen to, but at the same time thorough and academically responsible. To help work toward that balance, your input is really, really welcome!

How much of Literature and History have you listened to?

How much of Literature and History have you listened to?

Overall, how would you rate this show?

Overall, how would you rate this show?

Select a number of stars below, with FIVE black stars indicating a great show, and ZERO black stars indicating a terrible show.

Select the answer below that best applies:

Select the answer below that best applies:

How did you find out about this podcast?

How did you find out about this podcast?

Where do you listen to Literature and History? (check all that apply)

Where do you listen to Literature and History? (check all that apply)

(This helps me make decisions about mix levels and sound design.)

There’s lots of background music in the show. In relation to this topic, check all that apply.

There’s lots of background music in the show. In relation to this topic, check all that apply.

Comedy songs close most Literature and History episodes. Check all that apply.

Comedy songs close most Literature and History episodes. Check all that apply.

Reading millions of words into a microphone is challenging, and I’m guilty of mispronunciations far more often than I’d like to be. To help me improve, has anything bugged you in particular about my delivery? Do I use any words, or types of sentence construction too often, or have any verbal tics that are distracting and could be improved on?

Reading millions of words into a microphone is challenging, and I’m guilty of mispronunciations far more often than I’d like to be. To help me improve, has anything bugged you in particular about my delivery? Do I use any words, or types of sentence construction too often, or have any verbal tics that are distracting and could be improved on?

Otherwise, do you have any advice for me as to what to do, keep doing, or not to do?

Otherwise, do you have any advice for me as to what to do, keep doing, or not to do?