Episode 2 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 002: Before the Flood. See how much you remember about the Mesopotamia’s epics, the Enuma Elish and the Atrahasis, by clicking “START” below!
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What happens to Tiamat after Marduk defeats her in combat?
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One of the most important things that humans do for the gods, according to the Atrahasis, is what?
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The nemesis of humanity in the Atrahasis is:
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After the rain slackens in the Atrahasis epic, Atrahasis knows that dry land can be found somewhere because:
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The first two deities in the Enuma Elish who exist at the time the world is created are called:
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This character summons “a horned snake, a mushussu dragon. . .Brutal umu-devils, a half-man half-fish, a half man half-bull,” and other monsters.
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A simile we looked at in the Atrahasis compares human beings to:
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The Old Testament god, toward the end of the Book of Job, brags that he was the only god to fight a _________, which scholars sometimes parallel to the Enuma Elish, Ugaritic Baal cycle, Hittite Kumarbi cycle, and Hesiod’s Theogony.
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The earliest fragments of the Enuma Elish and Atrahasis are usually dated to around:
10 / 16
The earlier text this show covers, “The Instructions of Amenemope,” dates from the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt. In approximately which century were these instructions written?
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The Atrahasis concludes with the gods deciding that:
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The majority of the clay tablets on which fragments of the Enuma Elish and Atrahasis are written were discovered in present day:
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Marduk’s father, Ea, does which of the following?
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From what the Atrahasis suggests, how did Babylonians see themselves in comparison to their gods?
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In the Atrahasis, humanity’s “racket, their clamor and clatter, grew ever louder!” What happens as a result?
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Some of the Judahite scribes who wrote and edited the Pentateuch, Historical Books, and Prophetic Books were in Babylon during the Babylon captivity, which lasted from:
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