Episode 5 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 005: Beneath the Obelisks. See what you remember about Ancient Egyptian fiction by clicking “START” below!
1 / 10
The First Intermediate Period story “The Shipwrecked Sailor” was probably written around which year?
2 / 10
At the end of “The Shipwrecked Sailor”‘s story-within-a-story, what happens to the sailor?
3 / 10
What does the Shipwrecked Sailor end up acquiring during his journey?
4 / 10
We have more literature from Bronze Age Mesopotamia than we do from Egypt during the same period. Which is the best explanation for why this is the case?
5 / 10
The Shipwrecked Sailor involves a framing narrative in which a sailor is talking to his commander. What is the commander’s prevailing mood?
6 / 10
What is the main theme of Khunanup’s long series of speeches to the landowner Rensi that make up the bulk of “The Eloquent Peasant?”
7 / 10
Whom does the main character of “The Shipwrecked Sailor” meet after the titular shipwreck?
8 / 10
The Eloquent Peasant is a particularly unique slice of Ancient Egyptian culture because:
9 / 10
In “The Eloquent Peasant,” the main character Khunanup meets an overseer named Nemtynakte while transporting some goods. What happens when these two meet?
10 / 10
This character has donkeys and a cart.
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