Episode 7 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 007: Hesiod’s Lands and Seasons. See what you remember about Archaic Greek history and Works and Days by clicking “START” below!

1 / 10

Consider the following quote: “As for me, / Well, brother Perses, / I’d like to state a few facts.” Who says this?

2 / 10

In which year did the first ever Olympic Games take place?

3 / 10

The “days” part of Works and Days contains what?

4 / 10

Which autobiographical experience that Hesiod records in his poetry may have influenced his philosophy about life?

5 / 10

Pandora is created in Greek mythology in order to:

6 / 10

Around which year did the Bronze Age Collapse begin?

7 / 10

Hesiod’s distinct poetic voice is best described as:

8 / 10

In addition to the story of Pandora, the earlier part of Works and Days contains which other pervasive Ancient Mediterranean tale?

9 / 10

What caused Mycenaean, Archaic and Classical Greece to form into culturally distinct city states, rather than a large confederated kingdom?

10 / 10

What central property of civilization does Zeus give men in Works and Days?

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