Episode 31 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 31: The Requiem at Athens. See what you remember about Oedipus’ final days and the close of the Peloponnesian War by clicking “START” below!
1 / 10
Oedipus tells another character, “May you never defeat your motherland; / May you never return alive to Argos; / May you, in dying, kill your [brother!]” To whom is Oedipus speaking here?
2 / 10
Between 404 and 403 BCE, a tyrannical regime imposed by Sparta ruled in Athens. This regime was called:
3 / 10
Near the beginning of Oedipus at Colonus, this character says, “Sit down and rest. / You have come a long way, father.”
4 / 10
Thucydides writes about which historical event at the colony of Milos?
5 / 10
In Sophocles’ play, Colonus is:
6 / 10
Oedipus is distraught when his daughter Ismene tells him:
7 / 10
We’re reading Sophocles’ three Theban plays in chronological order, so that the story starts at the beginning and concludes at the end. In which order did these three plays originally premiere in Athens?
8 / 10
What is Antigone’s uncle’s name?
9 / 10
Creon wants Oedipus to:
10 / 10
Theseus helps Oedipus after Creon:
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