Episode 46 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 46: The Republic at Twilight. See what you remember Polybius, Cicero, the cursus honorum, and the history of the late republic by clicking “START” below!

1 / 15

Cicero lived from:

2 / 15

This general reformed and professionalized the Roman military at the end of the 100s BCE.

3 / 15

This class of citizens, enabled by the commercial opportunities that arose after the Second Punic War, became rich through trade, shipping, and tax farming, becoming in Cicero’s lifetime a secondary aristocracy that threatened the innermost circles of the senate.

4 / 15

The Lex Claudia, passed in 218 BCE, did what?

5 / 15

Which magistracy of the cursus honorum was responsible for public works projects, games, and the flow of grain into the city?

6 / 15

In front of a popular assembly in 133 BCE, which of the politicians below said the following?: “The wild beasts that roam over Italy. . .have their dens and holes to lurk in, but the men who fight and die for our country enjoy the common air and light and nothing else. It is their lot to wander with their wives and children, houseless and homeless over the face of the earth.”

7 / 15

Which TWO magistracies of the cursus honorum could command armies?

8 / 15

How did provincial taxation work in the late republic?

9 / 15

Which magistracy from the cursus honorum had responsibilities related to the republic’s finances, the treasury and public revenue?

10 / 15

A network of ex-consuls and praetors, generally assigned yearlong terms, governed Rome’s:

11 / 15

Between 91-90, Rome fought a conflict with its immediate neighbors on the Italian peninsula, over the subject of citizens’ rights. In the end, a law was passed granting Roman citizenship to many of these neighbors. What was this conflict called?

12 / 15

Which of the following was NOT a major ingredient to the financial corruption of the late republic?

13 / 15

Which of these shows the order of the Roman cursus honorum, in ascending order from least powerful to most powerful?

14 / 15

This general led a bloody dictatorship over Rome in the late 80s BCE, although he stepped down from the position voluntarily.

15 / 15

Cicero’s family was:

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