Episode 50 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 50: Our Brutal Age. See what you remember about Horace and the civil wars that unfolded after Julius’ Caesar’s death by clicking “START” below!

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What is the general attitude toward military engagements with foreign enemies that Horace adopts in his poetry?

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On March 15, 40 BCE, in the city of Perusia, Octavian:

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Horace was given a position as a scriba quaestorius in Rome – a clerk in the Roman treasury system, some time in the 30s BCE. It is likely that while serving in this position, Horace met:

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In a satire Horace wrote, he has Odysseus talk with Tiresias in the underworld. Tiresias gives Odysseus some advice. What’s the subject of the advice?

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In October of 42 BCE, Horace fought in the Battle of Philippi, and ended up fleeing and running for his life. Who was leading Horace’s army during this battle?

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Augustus had a superintendent who helped manage his artistic sponsorship, a man very high up in the early Augustan Age, but who never held an office or occupied a well defined position. This man helped sponsor the careers of Horace, Virgil, and others. What was his name?

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Generally, in his advice to other poets on how to be a good client (in a client-patron relationship), Horace advises those who seek patrons to be:

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What is the general attitude Horace displays regarding Rome’s civil wars?

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Not long after the Battle of Philippi in late 42 BCE, Horace was distraught to find that Octavian:

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This fad, which was very important to the development of Augustan Age literature, became increasingly common over the 30s and 20s:

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The historian Suetonius wrote an anecdote about Augustus doing what to a praetor named Quintus Gallius?

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What pushed Octavian over the edge and caused him to declare war with Mark Antony in 34 BCE?

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Horace’s father was a:

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What turned Octavian against the senate over the middle part of 43 BCE, just after the Battle of Mutina in Cisalpine Gaul?

15 / 15

Virgil, Horace, and Octavian were born in which years, respectively?

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