Episode 57 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 57: The World Grows Dim and Black. See what you remember about the Aeneid‘s explosive ending, and scholarly reactions to it, by clicking “START” below!
1 / 15
To a large extent, Books 10-12 of the Aeneid show the main character becoming:
2 / 15
This author completed a thirteenth additional book for the Aeneid in about 1428, which subsequently became very popular.
3 / 15
This character says, “You’ve won; the [Italians] have witnessed the vanquished / Reaching his hands out to make his appeal. . .Don’t press your hate any further.”
4 / 15
What is Turnus’ sister’s name?
5 / 15
In the mid-1960s, the Harvard School of interpretation began to argue that the Aeneid communicates what kind of message?
6 / 15
Virgil writes near the close of Book 10 that “For Turnus there will come a time / When he would give the world to see again / An [unplundered] Pallas.” What is the plunder being alluded to here?
7 / 15
The first trial by single combat between Aeneas and Turnus erupts into general violence due to the intervention of:
8 / 15
The Etruscans enlist on the Trojan side because:
9 / 15
Queen of the Volscians and the virgin devotee of Diana, this character is killed at the climax of Book 11 of the Aeneid.
10 / 15
What is Mezentius’ son’s name?
11 / 15
Latinus’ wife:
12 / 15
What is Pallas’ dad’s name?
13 / 15
At the climax of Book 10, this character fights Aeneas while riding a horse, since he’s been wounded.
14 / 15
In Book 10, Juno protects Turnus by:
15 / 15
Just prior to the Aeneid‘s end, this character says, “I yield, am won over Willingly. [Italian] folk will keep / Their fathers’ language and their way of life, / And, that being so, their name. The [Trojans] / Will mingle and be submerged, incorporated.”
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