Episode 61 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 61: Changes of Shape. See what you remember about the first five books of Ovid’s Metamorphoses by clicking “START” below!

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A man who changes into a woman, then back into a man, and proclaims that sex offers more pleasure to women.

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This character rides Jupiter (who is disguised as a bull at the time) through the ocean all the way from Phoenicia to Crete, after which Jupiter rapes her.

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This character’s wedding is a little bit awkward. It involves a massive, bloody battle and a bunch of assailants getting turned to stone.

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This fountain (also the name of a nymph) was said to soften and feminize anyone who touched its waters, and figures into the story of

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Pan attempts to rape a wood nymph who flees and escapes from him by changing into a bunch of reeds, and Pan finds he can make music with these reeds. What’s the wood nymph’s name?

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Asks to see Jupiter in his true form and gets incinerated.

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Sees Diana bathing in the nude and pays dearly for it.

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Chats with her lover through a hole in a wall.

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Jupiter rapes this character and then changes her into a cow, although Juno isn’t fooled by the transformation.

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The Greek equivalent of Noah and Noah’s wife, these two survive a catastrophic flood and end up washing up on Mount Parnassus.

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Borrows his father’s chariot.

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Mistakenly thinks his lover has been eaten by a lion.

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The Metamorphoses‘ story of Apollo, the raven, and the crow, later taken up by Chaucer as The Manciple’s Tale, ultimately warns:

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This unfortunate character is raped by the sun, Helios, and then buried alive by her father, after which she transforms into a sweet fragrance.

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Wife of Cadmus and thus the matriarch of the city of Thebes, she was later turned into a serpent along with her husband.

16 / 20

Whom does Perseus rescue from the Kraken?

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Virginal priestess of Diana, this unfortunate character is raped by Jupiter and then later changed into a bear by Juno.

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Dismembered by Dionysus’ groupies.

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Fleeing Apollo’s attempt at rape, this nymph changes into a laurel tree.

20 / 20

Fleeing rape, this nymph turns into a fountain.

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