Episode 62 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 62: A Curious Passion. See what you remember about Books 6-10 of Ovid’s Metamorphoses by clicking “START” below!
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The youth Caunus is revolted to learn that his sister is in love with him. Her name is:
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This character falls in love with her father.
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This old man and his wife offer hospitality to Jupiter and Mercury, and are rewarded as a result.
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Becomes a nightingale.
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He loves the huntress Atalanta and tries to give her her due when she’s central to bringing down the Calydonian Boar, but later suffers a bad death.
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This girl, raised as a boy, her gender secretly concealed, falls in love with another girl.
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This legendary Greek king cut down a tree sacred to Ceres, and had to suffer eternal hunger as a result.
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This character inadvertently gives her husband a poisonous shirt.
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The husband of Procris, this man has a magical javelin that returns after being thrown.
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This character unwittingly eats his child.
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Venus’ lover, this beautiful young man is killed by a boar.
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This ancient Greek princess, captivated by Minos of Crete, sells out her kingdom so that Minos can win a war waged against her father, only to later find that Minos is not interested in an attachment with a traitor.
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Arachne and Minerva
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This woman, who has fourteen children, mocks the goddess Leto (Latona in Latin), who only had two.
15 / 20
Medea pretends to be restoring the youth of the King of Iolcus, but actually kills him. What’s this king’s name?
16 / 20
Beats Atalanta in a foot race by distracting her with golden apples.
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Falls in love with his own artistic creation.
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Philomela’s sister
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Abducted by the north wind Boreas, this woman becomes the mother of the Boreads, or the children of the north wind.
20 / 20
The mother of Hercules, this character tells a story about what it was like to give birth to the ancient strongman in Ovid’s ‘Metamorphoses.’
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