Episode 66 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 66: Stoicism, Seneca, St. Paul. See what you remember about the roots of stoicism, Seneca’s contributions to it, and Senecan stoicism’s possible influence on the New Testament by clicking “START” below!

1 / 15

Seneca’s older brother Gallio:

2 / 15

Which of the following was NOT a part of stoicism during Seneca’s age, as far as we can tell from his writings?

3 / 15

Other than that they were simply pagans, St. Augustine criticized stoics like Seneca on the basis that:

4 / 15

According to Cicero, this stoic philosopher made stoicism more palatable to a wider range of people by softening some of its dogmatism.

5 / 15

The name of this philosophy comes from the Greek adjective meaning “doglike.”

6 / 15

St. Paul was from a town called Tarsus. In what region of what modern day country was this town located?

7 / 15

The only founder of a school of world philosophy purported to have defecated and masturbated in public.

8 / 15

Zeno of Citium, the founder of stoicism, grew up during:

9 / 15

In this episode we looked at an especially compelling selection of close parallels between the philosophy of Seneca and the Book of:

10 / 15

The Great Fire of Rome took place in July of:

11 / 15

Where does the name “stoicism” come from?

12 / 15

Seneca’s books On Anger and On Clemency show him reacting to the imperial reigns of:

13 / 15

The earliest sizable excerpt of stoic philosophy to survive is from the writer Cleanthes, penned some time between 300 and 250 BCE. What is it?

14 / 15

Seneca’s solution to the Problem of Evil is:

15 / 15

The year of the four emperors, which took place after Nero died, was:

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