Episode 67 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 67: Jaws Dripping Blood. See what you remember about Seneca’s Thyestes and its historical background by clicking “START” below!

1 / 10

Atreus’ daughter-in-law is called:

2 / 10

The murder of Thyestes’ children wasn’t the first incident in the House of Atreus in which a child was killed and cooked in a meal. This had happened earlier, to Thyestes’ father, whose name was:

3 / 10

Thyestes’ grandfather is:

4 / 10

Which brother seduced the other brother’s wife in an initial usurpation of the throne?

5 / 10

Thyestes, and all of the theatrical works involving the saga of Atreus, take place in the city of:

6 / 10

Which Shakespeare play does not reveal clear influences of Senecan tragedy?

7 / 10

In the episode we discussed how dialogue between Atreus and his servant might be modeled after:

8 / 10

In this episode we discussed a long passage in which the Roman historian Suetonius describes:

9 / 10

Agamemnon’s uncle is:

10 / 10

This 5th-century BCE Athenian dramatist wrote a full length work on Thyestes which has been lost.

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