Episode 74 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 74: Marcus Aurelius. See what you remember about Marcus Aurelius and the Meditations by clicking “START” below!
1 / 10
The dates of the Antonine Plague were roughly:
2 / 10
Pantheism is:
3 / 10
In addition to various border wars, in the year 175 CE, Marcus Aurelius had to deal with:
4 / 10
Marcus Aurelius served an unexpectedly long apprenticeship under this emperor:
5 / 10
Marcus emphasizes the importance of self reliance in his writings. He also:
6 / 10
Marcus Aurelius shared most of the first decade of his reign with his brother. This brother was named:
7 / 10
Which of the following is a major difference between Seneca’s and Marcus Aurelius’ writing styles?
8 / 10
Marcus Aurelius’ letters with his teacher Fronto show
9 / 10
Marcus Aurelius was emperor from:
10 / 10
What is Marcus Aurelius’ take on atomic materialism?
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