Episode 78 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 78: The Book of Acts. See what you remember about the fifth book of the New Testament by clicking “START” below!
1 / 15
Paul’s second and third missionary journeys, which begin and end in Judea, take him around most of the rim of which body of water?
2 / 15
In Chapter 12 of Acts, an important official is the first to kill an Apostle. Who is the official, and who is the Apostle?
3 / 15
In its outlook and the way it tells Christ’s story, the most Jewish of the Gospels is stereotypically thought to be:
4 / 15
Paul gives a sermon from the Areopagus of Athens, showcasing his knowledge of Greek science and philosophy. How do the Athenian pagans react?
5 / 15
Paul’s teacher, and a high ranking Jewish Pharisee important in Rabbinical Jewish history:
6 / 15
Simon Magus, after whom we get the word Simony, requests what from the Apostles Peter and John?
7 / 15
At the outset of Acts 15, the famous Jerusalem Counsel takes place. What is under discussion at this counsel?
8 / 15
The first apostolic miracle that happens in Acts takes place in a suburb of Jerusalem. What happens to the Apostles in the opening chapter of this book?
9 / 15
Paul’s first missionary journey, which begins and ends in Antioch, takes him through Cyprus and then the central region of which modern day county?
10 / 15
The author of Acts is generally believed to have also written:
11 / 15
This ancient Roman historian, writing roughly in the 110s, gives us our main source on the purported persecution of Christians in Rome following the Great Fire of 64
12 / 15
Christianity’s first martyr (other than Jesus himself) dies toward the beginning of Acts. He is a Greek-speaking Jew, and a recently appointed administrative official. His name is:
13 / 15
The crime Paul commits toward the end of Acts – the crime that gets him arrested and some time later leads to him being shipped off to Rome, is what?
14 / 15
This character in Acts is asked, at a key moment, “[W]hy do you persecute me?”
15 / 15
The ancient Roman writer Pliny the Younger, who governed an area along the north coast of modern day Turkey, wrote letters to a certain Roman emperor about what to do with Christians in his region, around the year 112. To which Roman Emperor did Pliny the Younger write?
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