Episode 80 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 80: The General Epistles. See what you remember about the epistles of James, John, Peter and Jude by clicking “START” below!
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This episode, following a view common in church historians, theorized that the increasing emphasis on good works in the later, general epistles was due to:
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This New Testament epistle, perhaps the one most prominently associated with emphasizing the importance of good works, rather than faith, contains the assertion that “Even the demons believe – and shudder.”
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The term “antichrist,” which arises in 2 John for the first time, is deployed to describe what?
4 / 15
In contrast to Christianity’s active ecumenism, we considered the writings of Josephus and a second worldly Jewish thinker, who were hesitant to try and spread their culture’s monotheism in the greater Empire. The second figure we looked at, who lived from about 20 BCE – 50 CE, was:
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Greek and Roman commoners and slaves were especially attracted to this aspect of early Christianity:
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The Johannine literature generally supports which Christological view?
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In which of the four canonical Gospels does Christ cry out in Aramaic “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” (Or, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”)
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This episode considered the General Epistles’ guidance for how to be a Christian in the Roman Empire. We looked at passages in which the General Epistles recommend hunkering down and finding strength in adversity. We looked at sections of the General Epistles that promised that wayward pagans would be punished. And we looked at some passages in the General Epistles that recommended that Christians:
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3 John references an inner-Christian dispute between, on the one hand, the letter’s author and its recipients, and on the other hand, a Christian teacher named:
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The Johannine School portions of the New Testament (the Gospel of John, and then 1, 2, and 3 John) place a widespread and recurrent emphasis on this:
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According to the church father Irenaeus, Cerinthus, a Christian teacher active between 50-100, taught what?
12 / 15
The doctrine of the Trinity appeared for the first time in the writings of the church father Tertullian, around the year:
13 / 15
The opening verse of the Gospel of John contains Greek language parallels to which school of Ancient Mediterranean philosophy?
14 / 15
In a passage we looked closely at in Tertullian’s Apology for the Christians (c. 197), the church father carefully explained Christianity’s system for:
15 / 15
This episode emphasized which central doctrinal reason for Christianity’s expansion?
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