Episode 82 Quiz

Welcome to the quiz for Episode 82: Zoroastrianism. See what you remember about Zoroastrianism and Ancient Persian history by clicking “START” below!

1 / 15

The largest concentration of Zoroastrian believers today live in the western part of:

2 / 15

The Zoroastrian word for Armageddon or Judgement Day is:

3 / 15

In Zoroastrianism, this moral principle is translated as “truth,” “righteousness,” “order,” and “right working.”

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Anahita and Mitra (or Mithra) are examples of figures in Zoroastrianism akin to angels. The word for these beings is:

5 / 15

The main Zoroastrian nemesis deity, or figure associated with evil and destruction, is called:

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Excarnation was a cultural practice that many of Zoroastrianism’s ancient chroniclers observed with curiosity and wrote about it. What is it?

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The Sasanian Empire, the last of Ancient Persia’s three great empires, flourished from about:

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1 Enoch and Jubilees, apocryphal books in most biblical canons, describe dark angels and nemesis deities – Samyaza, Azazel, and Mastema, perhaps reflecting Zoroastrian influences. Approximately when were 1 Enoch and Jubilees written?

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The Parthian Empire flourished from roughly:

10 / 15

In Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda has seven aspects, also called:

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Whom did the Sasanians fight from 602-628, just prior to the invasion of the Rashidun Caliphate?

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The Achaemenid Empire flourished from about:

13 / 15

The oldest parts of the Zoroastrian sacred scriptures are called the:

14 / 15

Platonism and its offshoots promote (1). The Zoroastrian view of the cosmos is characterized by (2).

15 / 15

Which of the following is not an original language of Zoroastrian scriptures?

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