Episode 87 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 87: Lucian of Samosata. See what you remember about Lucian of Samosata and his shorter works by clicking “START” below!
1 / 15
Between 161 and 166, Rome fought a war with ___________, a war which seems to have inspired many poor works of history and promoted Lucian’s How to Write History.
2 / 15
The word “Cynicism” (as in Cynic philosophy) comes from the Greek word kynikos, which means:
3 / 15
For the most part, Lucian’s How to Write History disparages the aspects of classical history now considered impermissible by modern academic standards. While Lucian was thus intellectually ahead of his time in the essay, Lucian still reserves the right for aspiring historians to:
4 / 15
Two prominent philosophical characters that figured into Lucian’s dialogues in this episode were Peregrinus and Menippus, with Pergrinus coming across quite negatively, and Menippus rather positively. With which ancient philosophical school were these two real world philosophers associated?
5 / 15
Lucian’s dialogue A Lover of Lies ultimately endorses:
6 / 15
Peregrinus, whom Lucian satirizes mercilessly in The Passing of Peregrinus, died in which of the following ways?:
7 / 15
What was the Second Sophistic movement NOT characterized by?
8 / 15
The works that we covered in this episode on Lucian of Samosata predominantly depict philosophers and religious leaders alike as:
9 / 15
This philosopher, at the auction scene central to Lucian’s dialogue Philosophies for Sale, explains that his value is: “I’m a pederast. Very knowledgeable in matters of sex.”
10 / 15
Which of the following best describes Lucian’s famous portrayal of Christians in his dialogue The Passing of Peregrinus?
11 / 15
Samosata was in the central southeastern part of modern day:
12 / 15
In Lucian’s Dialogues of the Dead, a philosopher travels to the underworld, and discovers that Socrates is actually:
13 / 15
In the dialogue Zeus Catechized, also called Zeus Cross Examined, Lucian’s plucky philosophical protagonist accuses Zeus of being less powerful than:
14 / 15
Roughly speaking, Lucian of Samosata lived from:
15 / 15
In the episode, we considered how Lucian’s status as a provincial from the far east of the Roman Empire probably:
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