Episode 88 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 88: Ancient Greek Sci-fi. See what you remember Lucian of Samosata and his novel A True Story by clicking “START” below!
1 / 15
In which century did fluency in Classical Greek begin to reemerge in Europe, largely through the efforts of scholar Manuel Chrysoloras?
2 / 15
Herodotus and Ctesias, the two historians who were Lucian’s central satirical targets in A True Story, were at work during roughly which century?
3 / 15
Lucian records seeing this fourth-century Greek ethnographer and geographer in the Island of the Cursed – a Greek version of hell.
4 / 15
In looking at Lucian’s use of words like hippomyrmekes, kolokynthopeiratai and karyonautai, we learned that one of his comedic tools was:
5 / 15
Lucian describes a mythological teller of tall tales in the preface to A True History. The fabricator of falsehoods he mentions is:
6 / 15
Rhadamanthus, in A True Story, is a figure whom Lucian meets on the Isle of the Blessed. What is Rhadamanthus’ job?
7 / 15
Lucian and his seafaring companions, at one point in A True Story, set a fire in order to escape:
8 / 15
In a passage in which Aristotle considers the ancient Greek historian Ctesias’ claims about elephant semen, Aristotle comes to the conclusion that Ctesias is:
9 / 15
On the beautiful and peaceful Island of the Blessed, Lucian meets which beloved Greek literary figure?
10 / 15
During his time there, Lucian discovers that on the moon, there are no:
11 / 15
This ancient historian claimed that giant ants lived in India and winged snakes inhabited the Arabian peninsula.
12 / 15
The final sustained episode in Lucian’s A True Story is a visit to the island of the Asslegs. The Asslegs are:
13 / 15
What does Lucian bring to Calypso in A True History?
14 / 15
The war between the moon and sun kingdoms in A True Story ends with:
15 / 15
Lucian’s novel A True History was likley written some time around:
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