Episode 94 Quiz
Welcome to the quiz for Episode 94: Ausonius. See what you remember about this important fourth-century poet of the later Roman empire by clicking “START” below!
1 / 15
After a careful look through Ausonious’ poetry and surveying some scholarship on the subject, we concluded that in terms of Ausonius’ religious belief, he was likely:
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Ausonius wrote a sequence of poems for a friend entitled On Bissula. Who was Bissula?
3 / 15
The emperors Gratian, Valentinian II, and Theodosius passed the Edict of Thessalonica in 380. What did this new law do?
4 / 15
As we looked at Ausonius’ work, we concluded that this poem prefigured many aspects of later European romanticism:
5 / 15
A series of puns related to Greek letters in Ausonius’ Epigrams make fun of a man named Eunus, telling us that Eunus is fond of:
6 / 15
Ausonius was the tutor of the Emperor Gratian, and thus an employee of which Roman Dynasty?
7 / 15
Ausonius was a resident of an ancient Gallic city that is today:
8 / 15
We discussed two moments in late fourth century history during which emperors and bishops clashed. The first was after the 390 Massacre of Thessalonica, when Ambrose chastised Theodosius for the emperor’s persecution of Thessalonica’s chariot racing fans. What was the flashpoint of the other clash between emperors and church officers?
9 / 15
This emperor came to the throne in 284 and subdivided the empire into four different administrative regions, ruled by two senior and two junior emperors.
10 / 15
Ausonius wrote a disgusting poem about a wedding called the Nuptial Cento. In the episode, we learned that a Cento is:
11 / 15
Ausonius’ dad was:
12 / 15
Roman court culture surrounding emperors grew increasingly ornate after Diocletian’s reign. One symptom of this was a type of poem that writers like Ausonius were expected to compose for their patrons. This type of poem was the:
13 / 15
Ausonius’ Nuptial Cento (the grotesque wedding poem) harvests many of its lines from which earlier Latin writer?
14 / 15
Ausonius once taught this important Catholic bishop in their hometown of Burdigala, though the correspondence between them in later years shows Ausonius’ pupil less and less interested in corresponding with his former teacher.
15 / 15
The poet Ausonius lived from roughly:
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