All Episodes

# Episode Title Text(s) Author Timeframe Description Duration Listen Read Quiz
   Season 1: Ancient Literature (18:05:00)
1 The Tower of Babel Cuneiform Unknown BCE 3100-539 For thousands of years, cuneiform was the means of transmitting information through space and time in the Ancient Near East. Then, something happened. 01:28:00 click here to read episode 1 click here to take the quiz for episode 1
2 Before the Flood Enuma Elish and Atrahasis Unknown BCE 1700-1500 The Enuma Elish and the Atrahasis, in circulation 3,800 years ago, were Mesopotamia’s creation and flood epics, making them 1,000 years older than Genesis. 01:11:00 click here to read episode 2 click here to take the quiz for episode 2
3 He Who Saw the Deep The Epic of Gilgamesh Unknown BCE 1500-1100 The Epic of Gilgamesh, composed 3,000-5,000 years ago, and first translated in the 1860s and 70s, was one of the greatest literary discoveries of all time. 01:01:00 click here to read episode 3 click here to take the quiz for episode 3
4 Divine Judgment The Book of the Dead Unknown BCE 1550 In the 3,500 year old Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead, we can find the roots of the world’s religions. 00:48:00 click here to read episode 4 click here to take the quiz for episode 4
5 Beneath the Obelisks Ancient Egyptian folktales Unknown BCE 2000-1800 We know about Ancient Egypt’s pyramids, temples, and sarcophagi. What about its folktales and stories? 00:53:00 click here to read episode 5 click here to take the quiz for episode 5
6 The Pros and Cons of Wisdom Ancient Egyptian wisdom literature Unknown BCE 1100 Ancient Egypt produced a great deal of proverbs and wisdom literature. Some of it even slipped into the bible. But how wise is wisdom literature? 00:49:00 click here to read episode 6 click here to take the quiz for episode 6
7 Hesiod’s Lands and Seasons Works and Days Hesiod BCE 700s Before Aristotle, Socrates, and Plato, there was a grouchy farmer poet whose Works and Days continues to fascinate us. 01:10:00 click here to read episode 7 click here to take the quiz for episode 7
8 Before Orthodoxy The Theogony Hesiod BCE 700s Elementals, giants, titans and gods! Hesiod’s Theogony chronicles a great war – one which would leave a single entity sovereign over the cosmos. 00:57:00 click here to read episode 8 click here to take the quiz for episode 8
9 Glittering Bronze Men The Iliad Homer BCE 700s The Iliad, Books 1-8. Homer’s Iliad is the Tyrannosaurus Rex of ancient epics. And at the core of its 24 books is one shiny metal. 01:51:00 click here to play Episode 9, Glittering Bronze Men, the first of three episodes on Homer's Iliad. click here to read episode 9 click here to take the quiz for episode 9
10 Homer’s Gods The Iliad Homer BCE 700s The Iliad, Books 9-16. The violent and spellbinding middle books of the Iliad leave us with questions about Homer’s theology. 01:47:00 click here to play Episode 10, Homer's Gods, the second of three episodes on Homer's Iliad. click here to read episode 10 click here to take the quiz for episode 10
11 Who Was Homer? The Iliad Homer BCE 700s The Iliad, Books 17-24. As the Iliad reaches its spectacular climax, it’s time to ask a big question. Who wrote it? 01:41:00 click here to play Episode 11, Who Was Homer, the third of three episodes on Homer's Iliad. click here to read episode 11 click here to take the quiz for episode 11
12 Kleos and Nostos The Odyssey Homer BCE 700s The Odyssey, Books 1-8. Adventure, monsters, temptresses, and a whole lot of wine-dark Aegean. Learn all about the world of Homer’s Odyssey. 01:47:00 click here to play Episode 12, Kleos and Nostos, the first of three episodes on Homer's Odyssey. click here to read episode 12 click here to take the quiz for episode 12
13 His Mind Teeming The Odyssey Homer BCE 700s The Odyssey, Books 9-16. The most famous part of Homer’s Odyssey sees Odysseus through perilous adventures and begins to give us a sense of who he is. 01:48:00 click here to play Episode 13, His Mind Teeming, the second of three episodes on Homer's Odyssey. click here to read episode 13 click here to take the quiz for episode 13
14 The Autumn Leaves The Odyssey Homer BCE 700s The Odyssey, Books 17-24. As we reach the violent climax of Odysseus’ great adventures, it’s time to spend some time considering Homer’s worldview. 02:11:00 click here to play Episode 14, The Autumn Leaves, the third of three episodes on Homer's Odyssey. click here to read episode 14 click here to take the quiz for episode 14
    Bonus Series: Before Yahweh (07:30:00)
   Season 2: The Old Testament (16:11:00)
15 Canaan Biblical Archaeology n/a BCE 1670-586 The Old Testament, Part 1 of 10. 1207 BCE. Two world empires. And between them, an unassuming strip of seacoast land that has been at the center of history, ever since. 01:32:00 click here to play Episode 15, Canaan, the first of ten episodes on the Old Testament. click here to read episode 15 click here to take the quiz for episode 15
16 Four Main Parts The Old Testament various BCE 750-50 The Old Testament, Part 2 of 10. There are tons of books, thousands of proper nouns, and many versions of the Old Testament. But all of it fits into four main parts. 01:14:00 click here to play Episode 16, Four Main Parts, the second of ten episodes on the Old Testament. click here to read episode 16 click here to take the quiz for episode 16
17 Roots of the Pentateuch Genesis-Deuteronomy various BCE 750-50 The Old Testament, Part 3 of 10. Hear the Biblical story of creation and the first founders of Israel, and the texts that may have influenced this story. 01:56:00 click here to play Episode 17, Roots of the Pentateuch, the third of ten episodes on the Old Testament. click here to read episode 17 click here to take the quiz for episode 17
18 The 613 Commandments Genesis-Deuteronomy various BCE 750-50 The Old Testament, Part 4 of 10. Eden, the Flood, the Commandments– all fine. But what’s with all the stuff about tents, sacrifices, and – uh – testicles? 01:44:00 click here to play Episode 18, The 613 Commandments, the fourth of ten episodes on the Old Testament. click here to read episode 18 click here to take the quiz for episode 18
19 The One Who Struggles with God Joshua-Esther various BCE 750-50 The Old Testament, Part 5 of 10. The Historical Books tell of Israel’s conflicts with Syria, Assyria, Egypt, and finally, exile to the corridors of Babylon. 02:08:00 click here to play Episode 19, The One Who Struggles with God, the fifth of ten episodes on the Old Testament. click here to read episode 19 click here to take the quiz for episode 19
20 The Problem of Evil The Book of Job various BCE 750-50 The Old Testament, Part 6 of 10. If God is so good, then why do the good and innocent suffer? The Book of Job’s aim is to answer this question. 01:28:00 click here to play Episode 20, The Problem of Evil, the sixth of ten episodes on the Old Testament. click here to read episode 20 click here to take the quiz for episode 20
21 The Bible’s Magic Trick The Book of Psalms various BCE 750-50 The Old Testament, Part 7 of 10. In the Book of Psalms, a single, fascinating, familiar linguistic device propels the world’s most famous poems. 01:24:00 click here to play Episode 21, The Bible's Magic Trick, the seventh of ten episodes on the Old Testament. click here to read episode 21 click here to take the quiz for episode 21
22 Fatalism Ecclesiastes various BCE 750-50 The Old Testament, Part 8 of 10. If there is one Biblical book that explains all of life, thick and thin, love and anguish, that book is probably Ecclesiastes. 01:34:00 click here to play Episode 22, Fatalism, the eighth of ten episodes on the Old Testament. click here to read episode 22 click here to take the quiz for episode 22
23 Love, Desire, Exegesis The Song of Songs various BCE 750-50 The Old Testament, Part 9 of 10. What’s the Song of Songs doing in the Bible? Is it a pious hymn to God, or just a couple of horny lovers talking to each other? 01:18:00 click here to play Episode 23, Love, Desire, Exegesis, the ninth of ten episodes on the Old Testament. click here to read episode 23 click here to take the quiz for episode 23
24 God May Relent The Prophetic Books various BCE 750-50 The Old Testament, Part 10 of 10. The seventeen Prophetic Books, produced during war and diaspora, are both despairingly bleak and searingly hopeful. 01:53:00 click here to play Episode 24, God May Relent, the tenth of ten episodes on the Old Testament. click here to read episode 24 click here to take the quiz for episode 24
    Bonus Series: The Astounding Apocrypha (08:07:00)
   Season 3: Classical and Hellenistic Greece (29:19:00)
25 Lyrical Ballistics Archaic Greek Poetry various BCE 750-500 The work of Sappho, Pindar, and other remarkable Greek lyric poets makes us question everything we think we know about poetry, what it is, and what it does. 01:35:00 click here to play Episode 25, Lyrical Ballistics. click here to read episode 25 click here to take the quiz for episode 25
26 Ancient Greek Theater The History of Classical Athenian Theater n/a BCE 508-404 Masks. Choruses. Huge prosthetic penises. Before you read Sophocles, Euripides, and company, it’s a good idea to know a bit about Ancient Greek theater. 01:39:00 click here to play Episode 26, Ancient Greek Theater. click here to read episode 26 click here to take the quiz for episode 26
27 The Bloody King Agamemnon Aeschylus BCE 458 Aeschylus’ Oresteian Trilogy, 1 of 3. A terrible family curse. A wronged queen. The Trojan War was only the start of the bloodshed. 01:53:00 click here to play Episode 27, The Bloody King. click here to read episode 27 click here to take the quiz for episode 27
28 A Mother’s Curse The Libation Bearers Aeschylus BCE 458 Aeschylus’ Oresteian Trilogy, 2 of 3. The infernal House of Atreus had witnessed almost every imaginable act of depravity. Except for one. 01:37:00 click here to play Episode 28, A Mother's Curse. click here to read episode 28 click here to take the quiz for episode 28
29 The Mound and the Furies The Eumenides Aeschylus BCE 458 Aeschylus’ Oresteian Trilogy, 3 of 3. Pursued all the away to Athens by the monstrous Furies, will Orestes prevail, or be torn apart? 01:29:00 click here to play Episode 29, The Mound and the Furies. click here to read episode 29 click here to take the quiz for episode 29
30 Two Legs in the Afternoon Oedipus the King Sophocles BCE 429 Sophocles’ Theban Plays, 1 of 3. Oedipus the King is one of literature’s great stories. It’s also a haunting window into the fears of war torn Athens in 429 BCE. 01:54:00 click here to play Episode 30, Two Legs in the Afternoon. click here to read episode 30 click here to take the quiz for episode 30
31 The Requiem at Athens Oedipus at Colonus Sophocles BCE 401 Sophocles’ Theban Plays, 2 of 3. Oedipus at Colonus, out of the ashes of the Peloponnesian War, is a story about a man who has lost everything but his own dignity. 01:29:00 click here to play Episode 31, The Requiem at Athens. click here to read episode 31 click here to take the quiz for episode 31
32 Trees Bending to the Torrent Antigone Sophocles BCE 441 Sophocles’ Theban Plays, 3 of 3. Antigone is a timeless and dark story about a clash of wills. But it’s also fascinating snapshot of the philosophical brawls of 5th-century BCE Athens. 01:59:00 click here to play Episode 32, Trees Bending to the Torrent. click here to read episode 32 click here to take the quiz for episode 32
33 Woman the Barbarian Medea Euripides BCE 431 Euripides’ Medea is Ancient Greece’s most famous play. But what did it mean to the Athenians in 431 BCE who watched it on the Acropolis? 01:57:00 click here to play Episode 33, Woman the Barbarian. click here to read episode 33 click here to take the quiz for episode 33
34 The Traditions of Our Forefathers The Bacchae Euripides BCE 405 Euripides’ The Bacchae, one of the darkest and bloodiest works of Ancient Greek tragedy, is about the spread of cult religions during the late Peloponnesian War. 02:06:00 click here to play Episode 34, The Traditions of Our Forefathers. click here to read episode 34 click here to take the quiz for episode 34
35 The Great Thundercrap The Clouds Aristophanes BCE 423 Aristophanes’ The Clouds is a dazzling satire on Athenian philosophy, showing a very different Socrates than Plato’s. 01:39:00 click here to play Episode 35, The Great Thundercrap. click here to read episode 35, the great thundercrap click here to take the quiz for episode 35
36 War and Peace and Sex Lysistrata Aristophanes BCE 411 Aristophanes’ Lysistrata, with all of its nudity, sex, and explicit language, was nonetheless his most powerful salvo against the Peloponnesian War. 01:40:00 click here to play Episode 36, War and Peace and Sex. click here to read episode 36, war and peace and sex click here to take the quiz for episode 36
37 The New Comedy Old Cantankerous Menander BCE 316 Menander’s Old Cantankerous (316 BCE), produced during the New Comedy period, shows theater beginning to take on its modern form. 01:36:00 click here to play Episode 37, The New Comedy. click here to read episode 37, the new comedy click here to take the quiz for episode 37
38 The Epic Anti-Hero Jason and the Argonauts Apollonius BCE 250 (c) Jason and the Argonauts, Books 1-2. Journey with Jason to find the Golden Fleece, and learn about the Greco-Egyptian writer, Apollonius of Rhodes. 01:51:00 click here to play Episode 38, The Epic Anti-Hero. click here to read episode 38, the epic anti-hero click here to take the quiz for episode 38
39 Medea and the Argonauts Jason and the Argonauts Apollonius BCE 250 (c) Apollonius’ Jason and the Argonauts, Books 3-4. Mesmerizing Medea takes center stage at the Argonautica’s end, dominating the epic’s events. 01:36:00 click here to play Episode 39, Medea and the Argonauts. click here to read episode 39, medea and the argonauts click here to take the quiz for episode 39
40 Hellenism and the Birth of the Self n/a n/a BCE 330-30 The Hellenistic period – 330-30 BCE, saw Alexander’s successor kingdoms rotting away in the east, the rise of Rome, and the birth of modern consciousness. 01:55:00 click here to play Episode 40, Hellenism and the Birth of the Self. click here to read episode 40, hellenism and the birth of the self click here to take the quiz for episode 40
41 Everything So Far n/a n/a n/a A retrospective of everything L&H has covered so far, plus some special announcements. 01:22:00 click here to play Episode 41, Everything So Far. click here to read episode 41, Everything So Far click here to take the quiz for episode 41
    Bonus Series: Rad Greek Myths (15:14:00)
   Season 4: Roman Literature (64:20:00)
42 The Beginnings of Roman Literature n/a various BCE 364-160 Roman literature grew slowly from Greek traditions during the 300s and 200s BCE. Learn about its earliest figures, and how they paved the way for the age of Cicero. 01:50:00 click here to play Episode 41, Everything So Far. click here to read episode 42, The Beginnings of Roman Literature. click here to take the quiz for episode 42
43 On the Move The Rope Plautus BCE 195-85 Plautus (c. 254-184 BCE) was a prolific comedy writer. His late play, The Rope, captures the dizzying changes sweeping Rome after the Second Punic War. 01:55:00 click here to play Episode 43, On the Move. click here to read episode 43, On the Move. click here to take the quiz for episode 43
44 Homo Sum The Brothers Terence BCE 160 The Roman playwright Terence (c. 184-159 BCE) produced a string of brilliant comedies in the 160s BCE. His masterpiece, The Brothers, continues to astonish us today. 01:55:00 click here to play Episode 44, Homo Sum. click here to read episode 44, Homo Sum. click here to take the quiz for episode 44
45 The Uncuttables On the Nature of Things Lucretius c. BCE 60 Lucretius (c. 94-53 BCE) is our most important source for Epicurean philosophy, perhaps the most misunderstood school of thought from the ancient world. 01:50:00 click here to play Episode 45, The Uncuttables. click here to read episode 45, The Uncuttables. click here to take the quiz for episode 45
46 The Republic at Twilight Cicero’s Early Life and the Late Republic Cicero BCE 106-80 Cicero (106-43 BCE) was the undisputed master of the Latin language. During his first thirty years, he witnessed events that heralded the Republic’s end. 01:32:00 click here to play Episode 46, The Republic at Twilight. click here to read episode 46, The Republic at Twilight. click here to take the quiz for episode 46
47 O Tempora, O Mores! Cicero’s Career Up to 62 BCE Cicero BCE 106-80 The story of Cicero’s career is an epic tale, filled with courtroom dramas, corruption, conspiracy, greed, and Cicero’s own enduring hope for a better future. 01:42:00 click here to play Episode 47 O Tempora, O Mores. click here to read episode 47, O Tempora, O Mores. click here to take the quiz for episode 47
48 The Right and the Expedient Cicero’s Career After 62 BCE Cicero BCE 106-80 Following his consulship, Cicero did his best to salvage the battered Republic, eventually going head to head with the powerful young general Mark Antony. 01:35:00 click here to play Episode 48, the Right and the Expedient. click here to read episode 48, The Right and the Expedient. click here to take the quiz for episode 48
49 The Strange Roots of Love The Poetry of Catullus Catullus BCE 84-54 Catullus (c. 85-54 BCE) is Rome’s most famous early poet. Departing from epic tradition, Catullus wrote a canon of short works that have been famous since antiquity. 01:54:00 click here to play Episode 49, the strange roots of love. click here to read episode 49, The Strange Roots of Love. click here to take the quiz for episode 49
50 Our Brutal Age The Poetry of Horace Horace BCE 35-13 The Roman poet Horace (65-8 BCE), a contemporary of Augustus, endured wars, regime changes, and became a literary spokesman for the new principate. 01:52:00 click here to play Episode 50, our brutal age. click here to read episode 50, Our Brutal Age. click here to take the quiz for episode 50
51 Horace and Augustan Poetry The Poetry of Horace Horace BCE 35-13 Horace (65-8 BCE) was a central figure in shaping Augustan Age tastes in satire and literary criticism. His bumbling, self conscious persona has been charming readers for millenia. 01:43:00 click here to play Episode 51, Horace and Augustan poetry. click here to read episode 51, Horace and Augustan poetry. click here to take the quiz for episode 51
52 White Flowers Die The Eclogues Virgil BCE 38 Virgil’s Eclogues (c. 38 BCE) are poems about country life. Far from being innocent celebrations, though, they are often cryptic, and filled with a haunting darkness. 01:50:00 click here to play Episode 52, white flowers die. click here to read episode 52, White Flowers Die. click here to take the quiz for episode 52
53 Then Came Hard Iron The Georgics Virgil BCE 29 Virgil’s Georgics (c. 29 BCE), or agriculture poems, show the poet reaching his full strength as a writer, and using an old form to analyze the history around him. 01:53:00 click here to play Episode 53, then came hard iron. click here to read episode 53, then came hard iron. click here to take the quiz for episode 53
54 Out of Troy The Aeneid Books 1-3 Virgil BCE 19 Virgil’s Aeneid, Books 1-3. The Aeneid is Rome’s great epic. Learn the story of its first three books, and when and why Virgil began writing it. 02:13:00 click here to play Episode 54, out of troy. click here to read episode 54, out of troy. click here to take the quiz for episode 54
55 Among the Shades The Aeneid Books 4-6 Virgil BCE 19 Virgil’s Aeneid, Books 4-6. The story of Dido and Aeneas, and his subsequent journey to the underworld, is the heart of Rome’s most famous poem. 02:23:00 click here to play Episode 55, among the shades. click here to read episode 55, among the shades. click here to take the quiz for episode 55
56 I Shall Release Hell The Aeneid Books 7-9 Virgil BCE 19 Virgil’s Aeneid, Books 7-9. Aeneas’ arrival in Italy begins auspiciously enough, but soon things take a turn for the worse. 01:58:00 click here to play Episode 56, i shall release hell. click here to read episode 56, i shall release hell. click here to take the quiz for episode 56
57 The World Grows Dim and Black The Aeneid Books 10-12 Virgil BCE 19 Virgil’s Aeneid, Books 10-12. The end of Rome’s great epic is about something Romans of Virgil’s generation knew very well indeed. War. 01:58:00 click here to play Episode 57, the world grows dim and black. click here to read episode 57, the world grows dim and black. click here to take the quiz for episode 57
58 She Caught Me with Her Eyes The Poetry of Propertius Propertius BCE 29-15 Propertius (c. 50-1 BCE) took the Latin elegiac form to new heights of complexity and passion, even weaving subtle satire throughout his work. 01:44:00 click here to play Episode 58, she caught me with her eyes. click here to read episode 58, she caught me with her eyes. click here to take the quiz for episode 58
59 Early Ovid The Amores and Heroides Ovid BCE 23-3 The love poetry of Ovid (43 BCE-17 CE) was standard Latin curriculum for hundreds of years, but it was also the product of a very specific historical moment. 01:30:00 click here to play Episode 59, early ovid. click here to read episode 59, early ovid. click here to take the quiz for episode 59
60 How to Make Love to a Roman The Ars Amatoria and Remedia Amoris Ovid BCE 4 Ovid’s Art of Love is ancient Rome’s manual of seduction – a record of the steamier side of the Augustan Age. 01:50:00 click here to play Episode 60, how to make love to a roman. click here to read episode 60, how to make love to a roman. click here to take the quiz for episode 60
61 Changes of Shape The Metamorphoses, Books 1-5 Ovid CE 8 This book influenced thousands of years of later literature, and remains one of our best source texts on classical mythology. 02:14:00 click here to play Episode 61, changes of shape. click here to read episode 61, changes of shape. click here to take the quiz for episode 61
62 A Curious Passion The Metamorphoses, Books 6-10 Ovid CE 8 Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Books 6-10. In the middle portion of Ovid’s great poem, psychological transformations become as gripping as physical ones. 02:07:00 click here to play Episode 62, a curious passion. click here to read episode 62, a curious passion. click here to take the quiz for episode 62
63 All Is In Flux The Metamorphoses, Books 11-15 Ovid CE 8 Ovid’s Metamorphoses, Books 11-15. The vast Metamorphoses draws to a resonant conclusion as Ovid brings his great poem to Rome itself. 02:11:00 click here to play Episode 63, all is in flux. click here to read episode 63, all is in flux. click here to take the quiz for episode 63
64 Ovid’s Exile The Tristia and Epistulae Ex Ponto Ovid CE 8-13 For mysterious reasons, in 8 CE, Ovid was exiled from Rome. Ovid’s last works were composed an ocean away from Italy, on the western shore of the Black Sea. 01:39:00 click here to play Episode 64, ovid's exile. click here to read episode 64, ovid's exile. click here to take the quiz for episode 64
65 Seneca and the Julio-Claudians The Life and Works of Seneca the Younger Seneca CE 40-65 Seneca the Younger (c 1 BCE-65 CE) practiced the philosophy of stoicism over the course of several volatile, and very different imperial reigns. 02:07:00 click here to play Episode 65, seneca and the julio-claudians. click here to read episode 65, seneca and the julio-claudians. click here to take the quiz for episode 65
66 Stoicism, Seneca, St. Paul Senecan Philosophy, Acts, and the Epistles Seneca CE 40-65 Stoicism, starting with Zeno in 300 BCE, was a popular philosophy by the lifetime of Seneca, perhaps even making its way into the New Testament. 01:34:00 click here to play Episode 66, stoicism, seneca, st. paul. click here to read episode 66, stoicism, seneca, st. paul. click here to take the quiz for episode 66
67 Jaws Dripping Blood Thyestes Seneca CE 54-65 Seneca’s Thyestes, probably written around the 50s CE, is one of the most horrifying and influential plays ever written. 01:13:00 click here to play Episode 67, Jaws Dripping Blood. click here to read episode 67, Jaws Dripping Blood. click here to take the quiz for episode 67
68 Love Means Sin Phaedra Seneca CE 54-65 Seneca’s Phaedra (c 50s CE) is the story of an illicit passion, a stoic cautionary tale and simultaneously vivid character study. 01:35:00 click here to play Episode 68, Love Means Sin. click here to read episode 68, Love Means Sin. click here to take the quiz for episode 68
69 Rome’s Comic Novel The Satyricon Petronius CE 60-3 Petronius’ Satyricon is a contender for history’s first novel, a picaresque filled with sex, misadventures, and details about daily life. 02:00:00 click here to play Episode 69, Rome's Comic Novel. click here to read episode 69, Rome's Comic Novel. click here to take the quiz for episode 69
70 Rome’s Forgotten Epic The Thebaid Statius CE 92 Statius’ Thebaid, Books 1-6. This epic is hardly ever read or taught these days, but in 100 CE, it was as famous as anything in the Roman world. 01:55:00 click here to play Episode 70, Rome's Forgotten Epic. click here to read episode 70, Rome's Forgotten Epic. click here to take the quiz for episode 70
71 The Gods Depart The Thebaid Statius CE 92 Statius’ Thebaid, Books 7-12. Six hundred years after Aeschylus, Statius once again brought the Theban epic to a thunderous conclusion. 02:16:00 click here to play Episode 71, the gods depart. click here to read episode 71, The Gods Depart. click here to take the quiz for episode 71
72 Bread and Circuses Juvenal’s Satires Juvenal CE 100-130 Juvenal’s Satires, produced some time in the decades around 100 CE, mercilessly mock some of the more colorful aspects of Roman life. 01:51:00 click here to play Episode 72, bread and circuses. click here to read episode 72, bread and circuses. click here to take the quiz for episode 72
73 The Golden Ass The Golden Ass Apuleius c. 160 CE Apuleius’ The Golden Ass is Ancient Rome’s only novel to survive in full – a strange, often disturbing fairytale that had a huge influence on posterity. 02:35:00 click here to play Episode 73, the golden ass. click here to read episode 73, the golden ass. click here to take the quiz for episode 73
74 Marcus Aurelius The Meditations Marcus Aurelius c. 165-180 CE Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations shows an intelligent emperor coping with the realities of an empire buckling under its own weight. 01:51:00 click here to play Episode 74, marcus aurelius. click here to read episode 74, marcus aurelius. click here to take the quiz for episode 74
75 Dusk and Starlight None None 100-800 CE A retrospective on the material we’ve covered thus far as we head into Early Christianity and Late Antiquity, plus some announcements. 02:06:00 click here to play Episode 75, dusk and starlight. click here to read episode 75, dusk and starlight.
    Bonus Series: More Greek Plays (09:21:00)
    Bonus Series: Christianity’s Roots (09:51:00)
   Season 5: The New Testament and Early Christianity (21:46:00)
76 Judea Under Herod None None 73-4 BCE The Roman client king Herod (c. 73-4 BCE) ruled Judea for thirty years. Learn about his rule, and the political and religious climate of Judea just before the birth of Christ. 01:52:00 click here to play Episode 76, judea under herod. click here to read episode 76, judea under herod. click here to take the quiz for episode 76
77 The Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Various c. 60-90 CE Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the heart of the New Testament. And today, historians and Biblical scholars know more about them than ever before. 02:40:00 click here to play Episode 77, the gospels. click here to read episode 77, the gospels. click here to take the quiz for episode 77
78 The Book of Acts The New Testament Book of Acts Anonymous c. 85 CE The story of Christianity’s first missionaries is a sweeping , intercontinental narrative, filled with danger, strange encounters, and the hope for a better future. 02:16:00 click here to play Episode 78, the book of acts. click here to read episode 78, the book of acts. click here to take the quiz for episode 78
79 The Pauline Epistles The Letters of Saint Paul Paul of Tarsus et. al. c. 50-65 CE Possibly the most influential theologian in history, Paul codified and clarified Christianity as it emerged into the diverse world of the Eastern Mediterranean. 02:17:00 click here to play Episode 79, the pauline epistles. click here to read episode 79, the pauline epistles. click here to take the quiz for episode 79
80 The General Epistles The Epistles of James, John, Peter and Jude Various c. 50-120 CE The later epistles of the New Testament show early Christian theology expanding and evolving in the ancient Mediterranean. 02:04:00 click here to play Episode 80, the general epistles. click here to read episode 80, the general epistles. click here to take the quiz for episode 80
81 Revelation The Apocalypse of John John of Patmos c. 70-100 CE One of the most spectacular pieces of writing in the world’s religious texts, Revelation influenced generations of writers and theologians. 02:18:00 click here to play Episode 81, revelation. click here to read episode 81, revelation. click here to take the quiz for episode 81
82 Zoroastrianism The Avesta and Early History of Zoroastrianism n/a 1,000 BCE – 1,000 CE Learn the basic tenets and early history of Zoroastrianism, one of the most important and widespread religions in the ancient world, and possibly earth’s oldest living monotheism. 02:19:00 click here to play Episode 82, zoroastrianism. click here to read episode 82, zoroastrianism. click here to take the quiz for episode 82
83 Gnosticism The Nag Hammadi Library, Codex Tchacos, and Berlin Codex n/a c. 100-500 CE The Nag Hammadi Library, Codex Tchacos, and Berlin Codex, as they came to light in the twentieth century, radically changed our understanding of early Christianity. 02:16:00 click here to play Episode 83, gnosticism. click here to read episode 83, gnosticism. click here to take the quiz for episode 83
84 Manichaeism Manichaean Texts from Egypt and Xinjiang n/a c. 224-500 CE After 300 CE, Manichaeism spread quickly from its origins in modern day Iraq and Iran. Recent archaeological discoveries have finally allowed us to learn about it firsthand. 01:59:00 click here to play Episode 84, manichaeism. click here to read episode 84, manichaeism. click here to take the quiz for episode 84
85 River A retrospective of Early Christianity n/a n/a A primer on Biblical canon formation, retrospective on what we’ve covered so far, and introduction to the upcoming season. 01:56:00 click here to play Episode 85, river. click here to read episode 85, river. click here to take the quiz for episode 85
    Bonus Series: The Rejected Scriptures (10:20:00)
   Season 6: Late Antiquity (current)
86 An Introduction to Late Antiquity n/a n/a c. 200-700 CE Once pervasively described as a period of fall and decline, today Late Antiquity is often understood as a period of cultural flowering and economic revolution. 02:23:00 click here to play Episode 86, an introduction to late antiquity. click here to read episode 86: an introduction to late antiquity. click here to take the quiz for episode 86
87 Lucian of Samosata The Short Works of Lucian Lucian of Samosata c. 160-180 CE The satirist Lucian (c. 125-180) was popular in his own time and during the Renaissance, among other things probably being the first author of science fiction. 01:42:00 click here to play Episode 87, lucian of samosata. click here to read episode 87: lucian of samosata. click here to take the quiz for episode 87
88 Ancient Greek Sci-fi A True Story Lucian of Samosata c. 160-180 CE In roughly the 160s CE, the Greek satirist Lucian of Samosata wrote A True Story, one of history’s earliest surviving novels, with strong tinges of what we’d call science fiction. 01:56:00 click here to play Episode 88, ancient greek sci-fi. click here to read episode 88: ancient greek sci-fi. click here to take the quiz for episode 88
89 The Aethiopica of Heliodorus The Aethiopica Heliodorus of Emesa c. 250-370 CE Heliodorus of Emesa (3rd/4th century CE) wrote the longest novel to have survived from antiquity, an adventurous romance that reemerged into Europe in the 1500s. 02:12:00 click here to play Episode 89, the aethiopica of heliodorus. click here to read episode 89: the aethiopica of heliodorus. click here to take the quiz for episode 89
90 Ante-Nicene Catholicism n/a n/a c. 60-200 CE Learn the documentary history behind how the Catholic Church was founded and set up as an organization, together with some of the works of the earliest church fathers. 02:04:00 click here to play Episode 90, ante-nicene catholicism. click here to read episode 90: ante-nicene catholicism. click here to take the quiz for episode 90
91 The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity The Martyr Narrative of Saint Perpetua of Carthage unknown c. 203-9 CE In Carthage, in 203 CE, a Roman noblewoman and her retinue were butchered in an amphitheater. Learn her story, and the earliest history of Christian martyrs. 02:12:00 click here to play Episode 91, the passion of perpetua and felicity. click here to read episode 91: the passion of perpetua and felicity. click here to take the quiz for episode 91
92 Athanasius’ Life of Antony Early Christian Eremitic Saints’ Lives Athanasius c. 355-95 CE Athanasius (c. 297-373) wrote a wildly popular biography of the desert hermit St. Anthony, touting the ideals of asceticism and triumph over demonic temptation. 02:06:00 click here to play Episode 92, Athanasius' life of antony. click here to read Episode 92, Athanasius' life of antony. click here to take the quiz for episode 92
93 Severus’ Life of Saint Martin The Life of Saint Martin and Priscillianist Controversy Sulpicius Severus c. 397 CE Sulpicius Severus’ (c. 363-425) Life of Saint Martin is one of the great hagiographies – a portrait of a timeless saint, but also of a human being and working bishop. 01:58:00 click here to play Episode 93, severus' life of saint martin. click here to read Episode 93, Severus' life of Saint martin. click here to take the quiz for episode 93
94 Ausonius The Poetry of Ausonius Ausonius c. 330-390 CE One of the later Latin poets of the Empire, Ausonius’ expansive body of work gives us a window into the changing world of fourth-century Roman culture. 01:53:00 click here to play Episode 94, ausonius. click here to read Episode 94, Ausonius. click here to take the quiz for episode 94
95 Rutilius Namatianus De Reditu Suo Rutilius Namatianus c. 417 CE In 417 CE, the Roman poet Rutilius Namatianus journeyed from Rome back to his homeland of Gaul, not knowing whether there was a home to return to. 02:03:00 click here to play Episode 95, rutilius namatianus. click here to read Episode 95, rutilius namatianus. click here to take the quiz for episode 95
96 The Last Pagan Epic The Dionysiaca, Books 1-24 Nonnus Fifth Century CE The last epic from Greco-Roman antiquity that survives in full, Nonnus’ fifth-century Dionysiaca tells of the wine god Dionysus’ journey eastward, to India. 02:14:00 click here to play Episode 96, the last pagan epic click here to read Episode 96, the last pagan epic. click here to take the quiz for episode 96
97 Blood and Ivy The Dionysiaca, Books 25-48 Nonnus Fifth Century CE The Dionysiaca, Part 2 of 2. The last surviving Greek epic of antiquity draws to a close with Dionysus fighting wars far to the east, in India. 02:32:00 click here to play Episode 97, blood and ivy. click here to read Episode 97, blood and ivy. click here to take the quiz for episode 97
98 The Life and Works of Saint Jerome Saint Jerome’s Generation and Catholic Theology, 370-420 Jerome 370-420 Polyglot Jerome (347-420) had a gigantic impact on all subsequent Christian history, leaving behind a huge body of works, including the Latin Bible. 02:10:00 click here to play Episode 98, the life and works of saint jerome. click here to read Episode 98, the life and works of saint jerome. click here to take the quiz for episode 98
99 The Boy Who Stole Pears The Confessions, Books 1-7 Augustine of Hippo 397-400 Augustine’s Confessions, Part 1 of 2. The first half of Augustine’s Confessions tells of his wayward early years, his intellectual journey, and his spiritual awakening. 01:55:00 click here to play Episode 99, the boy who stole pears. click here to read Episode 99, the boy who stole pears. click here to take the quiz for episode 99
100 Late Have I Loved You The Confessions, Books 8-13 Augustine of Hippo 397-400 Augustine’s Confessions, Part 2 of 2. The second half of Augustine’s Confessions contains some of the most famous theology in Christian history. 02:05:00 click here to play Episode 100, late have i loved you. click here to read Episode 100, late have i loved you. click here to take the quiz for episode 100
101 Against the Pagans The City of God, Books 1-10 Augustine of Hippo 413-17 Augustine’s City of God, Part 1 of 2. The first half of the City of God is a broadside against paganism – its culture, religion, and history, subjects about which Augustine had much to say. 02:16:00 click here to play Episode 101, against the pagans. click here to read Episode 101, against the pagans. click here to take the quiz for episode 101
102 An Old Man’s Book The City of God, Books 11-22 Augustine of Hippo 417-27 Augustine’s City of God, Part 2 of 2. The second half of the City of God contains some of Late Antiquity’s most influential writings – most notably Augustine’s take on Original Sin. 02:28:00 click here to play Episode 102, an old mans book. click here to read Episode 102, an old mans book. click here to take the quiz for episode 102
103 Boethius On the Consolation of Philosophy Boethius 523 In the twilight of the Western Empire, Boethius (c. 476-523) served as consul, but ended his life imprisoned by the Ostrogothic King Theodoric, writing The Consolation of Philosophy. 02:23:00 click here to play Episode 103, boethius. click here to read Episode 103, boethius. click here to take the quiz for episode 103